I did this same thing for the exams of my last year only.
Had I known before ....
Here's the pattern :
while exams{
0. Study
1. Go to the exam
2. succeed
3. Come back, get fresh a go to sleep
[... idle ... forget everything ... reboot ...]
4. Wake up, get fresh & back to 0. for next exam
Here's some advantages :
- when you wake up you actually have plenty of time till the exam
- you don't have to calculate how much sleep you will get or when to squeeze it
- your going to arrive fresh at the exam and not fall asleep on your sheet-keyboard
I am also looking forward to have the ability to learn more languages than english especially since a part of the fleex team is most like french speaking.
I've been thinking about live coding on twitch but having to think about not revealing any sensitive information would make it a hassle. I will give it a try for some side projects.
I still follow my past team definition of a good commit : the commit message should answer in it's first line why this commit was done. Overtime I realized that when I git blame I never care what a commit does because this is always obvious by reading the code of the commit. The reason why, however, is most of the time not obvious at all.