A lot of those, I expect the vast majority of them, are in a regular 4 door sedan, or a shitty old camper that barely runs. People living in cars, on a friends couch, etc, all count as homeless.
I'd love to see that. When a video surfaced a few years back, of the Santa Ana riverbed behind the Big A in Anaheim, it was much easier to share the video with family and friends who were unfamiliar than it was to try to explain what I was seeing (I stopped into that particular tent city a couple of times searching for an ill family member who contends with bouts of homelessness).
In San Jose there are/were several on ramps to 280 and 101 lined with tents where people lived last time I was in the neighborhood. It's kind of mind-blowing the first time you see people living like that here.
Yes it's really that many. The vans and campers tend to move around to different areas as the police crack down on illegal long-term parking in particular spots.
Those people still have a roof over their heads. They just don't have a mailing address.
EDIT: I stand corrected. Apparently, San Francisco does count those among the homeless.
> The number of people living in cars and campers grew — a big part of the reason the number of unsheltered people increased, the city said.