That is scary, not for the actual health risk implications but for the implication when it comes to the supply chain. (Unless you are a member of a risk group).
I'm not trying to panic or fear monger at all, but I think it is a good time to point to this scientific american blog post that suggest to have food and water on hand for two weeks
That doesnt mean you need to stock up on ammunition and night vision googles, just have some food safety even just to not overload the supply chain
>>"That doesnt mean you need to stock up on ammunition and night vision googles..."
An "I have the CoronaVirus and possibly Ebola" sign at the door will keep intruders away :). If kept safely guns are not a bad idea, if you are the type, and especially if you live in rural areas.
Guns don't kill people, you're right. But they sure do make it a lot easier. Unless you're a ninja, I can run from a knife.
It's basic logic that less guns equals less gun violence. I also want less grenades and rocket launchers, because I'd rather not have them used around me.
I was just trying to imply that there is no need to go full prepper and build a bunker to survive the apocalypse. Sorry if that was not clear from my tongue-in-cheek comment.
They might just torch your house with a sign like that. Wouldn't be the first time either that the victims of a disease would get victimized again by their fellow humans.
Why do we need to stock up on water? Even the CDC is recommending it. How does the virus put our water supply at risk? I have two weeks worth of water already stockpiled in case of an earthquake which could cause infrastructure damage to our water supply. Everyone should have that.
I think that is exactly what is recommended. If you got two weeks of water then you are good. As you said people should have it anyway, but a lot of people don't (myself included).
Interesting, our hot water heater is "tankless" and it hadn't occurred to me until this thread that this makes emergency prep a little more complicated.
I have a few pallets of Costco bottled water in the garage. Think they are 6 gallons each. Could throw them under beds as well if you don’t have a garage. You don’t need 1 gallon per person. Probably half of that. One quart to drink and another to cook. Not going for recommended consumption when the goal is survival.
The general consensus is that viruses are not alive to begin with, it would probably be better to talk about 'active' viruses vs those that are no longer able to do their thing. A virus doesn't die, it simply becomes incapable of infecting a cell. A bacterium is alive, a virus borrows most of the machinery of life from a living cell.
That doesnt mean you need to stock up on ammunition and night vision googles, just have some food safety even just to not overload the supply chain