I have heard it can be bad for oral health due to dehydration. Not sure how much of that ends up being a feeling versus physically needing water, and how dehydration affects oral health, or exactly how I would connect all of the dots there (or if I even should attempt it), but it seems reasonable.
> Not sure how much of that ends up being a feeling versus physically needing water
it does dry out your oral/nasal cavity. It can cause your body to produce mucus to compensate. I commonly feel like swallowing is slow as if there is a thin layer of mucus lining my throat. Even had yellow mucus drip out of my nose as if it were a nose bleed (happened 3-4 occasions), which comes from having a sinus infection.
This is one of the reasons I switch to micro-dosing on an empty stomach and supplementing with coffee to limit exposure to amphetamines.
It reduces saliva production. Saliva helps play a protective role in terms of oral health in basically all aspects, from my understanding.
It's possible for it to lead to increased clenching/grinding of teeth.
With that said....a decent diet and doing all the things you're supposed to be doing anyway in terms of oral hygiene and you ought to be fine. It's not a "you're going to ruin your mouth", it's a "pay more attention to this".
Been taking Adderall XR for >10 years, no cavities or other dental concerns personally speaking.
I personally took it for a long time, have a few pharmacists in my family. General life experience along with many examples witnessed around me lead me to believe that there is no free lunch. The focus you get comes at a price
A pharmacist does not equal a neuroscientist studying effects of long-term stimulant use on developing early onset neurodegenerative disease in any way, shape, or form. Sorry but you need to look at meta-analyses on on the topic and use that as a reference to prove anything to HN crowd at a minimum when making these bold unsubstantiated fear-mongering claims.
Yes but they interact with the same customers over long periods of time. I hate to tell you, but people can come to conclusions about the world. Its not a walled garden. I can see with my own two eyes what happens.
Go ahead and take legal cocaine though, hope your post helps you sleep at night
No need to be rude. Just because you see something doesn't mean your getting the whole picture.
Do you know their entire medical history? How severe the ADHD is? Any other issues they are treating or not treating? If you can point to a study to back up what you are saying then by all means go for it. Otherwise all you have is anecdotal evidence and pretty weak evidence at that.
Correlation =\ causation and exactly what objective conclusion can you draw from a ~5 minute encounter every month as a pharmacist seeing random customers who can go to any pharmacy to get their meds?
I get a new pharmacist every time I fill a script and I never share one iota of my diagnoses with them, they just fill the Rx and advise on contraindications and unusual doses they see.
Can you see into a person's brain with your own 'two eyes' as well? A neuroscientist can actually see our neural activity with fMRI and other tools to study brain science unlike your pharmacist buddies and yourself talking to random customers for 5 minutes in a grocery store.