I guess default camera apps have built-in QR recognition nowadays? Else this won't have been useful. Asking as I've always used Open Camera, which doesn't, and Barcode Scanner, when I need this functionality.
According to this https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208843 , it also just shows a notification on iOS, but I guess a URL that tells the camera holder they're being idiots would be good enough.
I just tried scanning a QR Code on 2 Android phones. The first one didn't do anything automatic, the second one detected it and added a button on the camera UI, if you press it, it will show the text (or URL) and you have to press "Open URL" to go there.
Interesting how the ad (YouTube video) oversells it, as if the URL loads itself. I wonder if that's how the ad agency (or whoever came up with this idea) sold it to the ambulance operators.
The default camera on my android does this plus way more. It attempts to do OCR. So if I point it at a QR code it'll parse it. If there is a url or phone number it'll be clickable. Addresses can open google maps. Etc.
It's honestly super impressive, and I noticed it at least 3 years ago on android.
Interesting, I have a Pixel 5 and use the built-in camera app. When I point it at a QR code it presents me with a URL at the bottom to tap on. I can either do this or ignore it and take a photo of the QR code
Knights Hospitaller: from escorting pilgrims in 1099 Jerusalem to cleverly thwarting modern smartphones' cameras in 2021. I wonder what they will be doing in Mars in the year 3000.
“But gawking is not a trivial offense. Since January 1, 2021, a law has been in force that punishes photographing or filming an accident with a prison term of up to two years. With their action, the Johanniter show the drastic consequences and dangers of the greed for sensation and explain the punishments.“
I find this very heavy handed. What harm is simply photographing an accident scene, as long as you are not causing disruption. There was a recent case in .au where a guy filmed a several cops dying from a truck accident and taunting them (they were trying to give him a ticket when hit by another truck driver). He was sentenced to 10 months for breaking public decency.
Might be something about empathy. If you got into a car accident and were lying on the street with a removed limb, would you like random strangers taking photos of you?
There are a lot of things I would like and not like, some of them more reasonable than others. If government is intended to prevent violation of rights, ‘not liking’ being photographed in public seems a poor justification for imprisoning someone.
Imprisoning photographers of the police is a already a punishable crime in France. So do we call the leaders like Macron an autocrat or dictator like we do in other countries.
Meanwhile cops and national guardsman violently attack journalists and protestors and their phones in all the protests ranging from Ferguson, Baltimore in the Obama era to the George Floyd ones in the summer under Trump era.
Germany is not France. No German court will not punish you for filming an officer abusing a civilian/protestor/etc. But you will be punished for taking a gore video of someone dying.
Germany takes personal rights in such situations a lot more serious than other countries. E.g. you can't just take pictures of other people in public either - extra penalty for accident victims just expands on that due to extreme circumstances and their helplessness (and gives police the power the act immediately, vs the victim that might not even know having to pursue it afterwards)
I agree it does come off as extreme, but I can understand the desire to provide society with some reasonable expectation of privacy in a public space when someone might no longer be able to consent to being in public.
Sure, it's part of the inherent risk calculation when we venture out or interact with public space, but at the same time if I can no longer remove myself from that space when I want to achieve some privacy I think it's reasonable that society change the context of the space. At that point I would think that laws pertaining to the violation of privacy (like those regarding peeping-toms) should apply.
That being said, and going back to the "no longer consent to being in public", what about drunks, or children who cannot legally exercise consent? There's a million ways this can get very hazy very fast.
You're making a great point here, that I've never heard before in the debate. Not only in the specific issue of the article, but public life in general.
I think the argument is that drunks did consent, in the same spirit as a drunk driver carry a responsibility. Still, going too far might be harassment. Guardians are responsible for making choices for minors until they can make those choices themselves.
> What harm is simply photographing an accident scene
These days a “good” accident scene video will get you a ton of view on social media which translates to a lot of money. If someone crashes and is dying bleeding out on the road, the financial indentures for passers by is to stop straight away, increasing the risk of further accidents, and rushing to the scene to get the best possible shot of the dying person.
I honestly cannot see the problem in just removing that whole tangent completely by making it illegal.
The only proper action at a scene of an accident is to help out if possible or get the hell out of the way.
The infamous German tabloid/gutter press Bild also pays you money for videos or photos and credit you as "citizen journalist". Similarly news agencies ask you on Twitter if they can use your footage.
Your translation is not correct, it says "filming the victims of an accident". So presumably filming an accident from a distance (where the victim cannot be identified and you are not in the way of the rescue workers) is not illegal.
This is the death by a thousand papercuts you get when you open the door to an area of regulation. Likely more things will be illegal to film in Germany soon, such as police activity ("it's for national security, you know?")
Filming a vehicle crash where no humans involved would be of little interest or reason to create such a law on its own merits, which suggests two intersecting motivations (knowing nothing about how this came to be):
1. Drivers are filming crashes and causing further crashes due to being distracted drivers.
2. Human beings are considered to have an automatic right to privacy in scenarios lacking a compelling public interest.
Speaking to one reason only would not weaken the need for the law, so take care to consider the wider concerns beyond just privacy rights alone.
Technically, if human privacy rights are legally enforced in the country where this law exists (unlike the United States), then the existing privacy law could be considered sufficient for #2. But having it on the books makes the judgement call much easier for the general (non-press, non-authority) public, and it also provides a clear warning about crash porn taken by first responders who find fascination with that sort of thing.
All around, it seems a healthy enough law given the context of their country’s human privacy rights. I imagine the press will find cause to argue the edges of it, but I’m hard pressed to come up with any significant benefit to the general public that is being set aside. Identifying such a benefit would be key to arguing that this oversteps.
This has been illegal for a while. You can't photograph people if it shows their helplessness[1]. The examples I found (I wrote this article) specifically mention people photographing accidents.
In general, German photography laws are pretty strict. I like that it prevents things like Worldstar or /r/publicfreakout. People can still have a reasonable expectation of privacy, even when they leave the house.
The rationale over decency and empathy for victims is a cover. What this does is prevent government workers from the accountability cellphone video can provide. Soon enough those QR codes will be on uniforms of emergency workers, and you won't be able to document incidents similar to George Floyd's death.
You are applying your views and preconceptions to this situation without understanding the cultural context.
Privacy rights are very strong in Germany and most people hate gawkers/voyeurs that take photos in such situations. Similarly as it is an offense to name either suspect or victim of a crime in the media, while in America that is common practice.
And courts have leeway - the justice system is not perfect but if you take a film to show an officer/medical staff abusing someone no court will punish you for that.
Sure but you won't be able to take the video, because the QR code will shut down your cell phone camera.
Government workers need to be accountable and transparent. No hiding from the cameras in public service.
Passing a law that protects the government from accountability under the guise of citizen rights is pretty underhanded, and quite typical of socialism.
As a German, this is such a strange thing to read. This basically does not happen here. It is actually newsworthy when a police man had to shoot someone. There were, maybe, twelve people killed by police officers in 2020 (per ~83 million inhabitants!). Beside that, it's also fine to film police officers on duty? You might want to come over for a visit - it is actually really nice here.
(And fyi, on top of not being rooted in (German) reality, this was a slippery slope argument anyways.)
Edit: fourteen shot and three other deaths, according to [0]. Sadly this included two children and her police officer mother in a murder-suicide situation. That's why I am generally very glad that weapons aren't available to everyone here - you can't shoot yourself if you have no gun.
Oh I'm sorry you're a German living in a utopia? This clearly doesn't apply to you. You should just do whatever your government tells you. Turn off the camera, hand over the guns and get on the train. Everything will be Ok.
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... you do understand that on any phone you can just not click the "QR code" notification? But of course reminding people to not be shitheads is "preventing accountability"...
This is a good point and I don't know why you're being downvoted. When an individual with a cellphone no longer counts as "press" you're just edging closer to governments getting to select who gets to be called "press" and gets the corresponding privileges.