It is my understanding that simply waiting for a longer time would not have helped. This side effect did not come much later after the vaccination, but only in very rare cases, which is why it took some time to notice it. Considering how many people we vaccinated with the Covid vaccines, we should have seen (and have seen, with myocarditis, trombosis) such rare side effects. Plus, it is likely that the disease itself would have a similar effect on patients, because it is an interaction of the immune system with the nervous system. The vaccine itself is cleared from the body within weeks, after all, so it's not like medicine that is taken over a long period of time and can build up.
So what you need is not longer trials, but trials with more people. Which is what is done in so called phase 4 trials after approval.
Look through a list of vaccine safety recalls. Here's a highlight of the big ones--this is the list that most vaccine hesitant people talk about when they discuss their issues with vaccine safety.
Thanks for the list too. Looking at the examples from the 90s on - aside from the rotavirus vaccine - this looks like a list of examples for why there should not be concern. Concerns were raised for vaccines and subsequently found to be uncorrelated.
Regardless of interpretation too, this doesn't support the claim the commenter made - there has never been a vaccine recalled within a year.
There was never a major mRNA vaccine roll out ever. mRNA possibly does not compare to traditional vaccines, there's evidence it is a different beast entirely.
Enough reason to be cautious, wait out the hidden/late-onset side effect, and not give it to those not too vulnerable to covid.
But authorities claim it's totally safe for all ages, while they have no data to back this up (that'd need a long trial, and those taking it ARE the long trial).
Multiple mRNA vaccines have been tested on humans since 2008 and on animals before that. None of them produced any “late-onset” side effects. And there is no sound theoretical mechanism for late-onset mRNA side effects.
No drug approval process works like what you are proposing.
Hundreds of millions of people have had nearly a year to develop side effects—-the safety profile is very well known at this point.
It's stories like this --gov't makes out of court settlements and vaccine retracted-- that give a lot of credibility to those against/ hesitant towards vaccination.
I'm in a low-risk group and see no use in getting vaccinated, especially since herd immunity is off the table and nearby ICUs are not overflowing. The media/pharma/politicians/bigtech are all passing out the same message: get the vaccine. Non of them highlight that there are good reasons not to. So much for informed consent?
You might want to reevaluate your definition of low risk thanks to the delta variant.
My wife is a pediatric ER doctor (because the adult ER is swamped they're now seeing all patients up to 25), during the first few waves of COVID, she saw almost no severe cases in children and young adults. There were plenty of kids who came in with COVID, but she didn't admit a single otherwise healthy kid or young adult because of COVID.
In the last week, she's admitted 3 17 year olds to the PICU, and they've admitted many more than that to the floor for treatment.
>It's stories like this --gov't makes out of court settlements and vaccine retracted-- that give a lot of credibility to those against/ hesitant towards vaccination.
We have now administered billions of doses of MRNA vaccines. The safety profiles are more well known than a large percentage of drugs on the market that most people would take without a moment's hesitation.
Historically vaccines have been taken off the market b/c of issues that were too uncommon to show up in trials, which consist of only a few thousand or tens of thousands of people. The side effects were so rare that they only showed up once millions of people started taking them.
There has never been a vaccine that was pulled off the market for a side effect that took a year to show up.
Because in places where lots of people think like you, the ICUs are overflowing?
I also think you underestimate how ANGRY people are that they spent 18 months in lockdown, only to have some anti-vaxers mess things up at the end. By this point, we shouldn't be talking about which areas do/don't have overflowing ICUs, we should be talking about which areas have hit milestones for number of days without a positive case!
Media fearmongering about Delta doesn't change anything. The reality is that places which have very high vaccination rates have been able to return much more to normal. And all evidence points to the more people get vaccinated, the sooner things will return entirely to normal
People say "trust the science".
But I've seen no proof that this vaccine works.
In fact no you need a third shot to combat the delta variant yet I've seen no proof that people who've had the third shot can't get the delta variant.
Its sad to think people believe the lies the government and media is telling them.
Saying "take the vaccine then we can all go back to normal" is like saying "the lockdown will only be two weeks long".
The goal posts keep shifting.
The government will never stop taking away your freedom and spreading lies to push this agenda.
To my best knowledge anti-vaxxer did not mess things up, govt+pharma promissed did. They start with: just a few weak to ease the curve, never a vax passport, vaccines create herd immunity and we can kick covids ass.
Now where we are: long lockdowns, talks of vax passports everywhere, no herd immunity, covid is here to stay with us (due to animal reservoirs), no overflowing ICUs but still gov'ts reigning with wartime-like superpowers.
The fearful/obedient have their vaccine, those who did not will not. Some died, most live. This is no spanish flu. So what was the problem again?
There is one example of this actually happening. Have a look at what happened with the pandermix vaccine: