What is 'post-modernist neo-Marxist ideology'? Isn't that just what Jordan Peterson calls things he doesn't like even though he admits to having never read any Marx?
It's fairly trivial to define. You know all those things that you don't like? The bad things, that all the stupid people do without thinking, unlike you? That's post-modernist neo-marxist ideology.
You sound like a person that makes everything about 'left' vs 'right' and has no solution to problems except to criticize things you disagree with for being 'left' or 'woke'.
I have a lot of solutions, I proposed reduced immigration in Sweden 10 years before the leftists realized it was a necessity. I have loads of more solutions now too, but it will probably take 10 years for the left to realize they are inevitable too.
you sound like an intellectually dishonest person who will resort to any rhetorical nonsense in order to gain social media points, likely narcissistic traits
GP uses these terms in a straightforward fashion. Understanding is literally two google searches (or ChatGPT questions) away!
- "post-modernism" - as in rejection of the values of enlightenment; rejection of reason, and ultimately rejection of the idea that there exist solutions to problems that can be discovered by people cooperating in good faith;
- "neo-Marxist" - a softer take on Marxism, less about bloody revolutions, more about hearts and minds; figures the class struggle is a spent topic for now, so it tries to create new social divisions to keep people motivated.
Also, if you're to believe Wikipedia entry[0], a label adopted by a group of people trying to subvert mental health institutions so they breed revolutionaries instead of healing people. I wish I was making that up...
EDIT: I'll just quote that last bit verbatim, the whole subheading on Wiki as it looks right now:
Neo-Marxist feminism
Some portions of Marxist feminism have used the neo-Marxist label.[16][17] This
school of thought believes that the means of knowledge, culture, and pedagogy
are part of a privileged epistemology. Neo-Marxist feminism relies heavily on
critical theory and seeks to apply those theories in psychotherapy as the means
of political and cultural change. Teresa McDowell and Rhea Almeida use these
theories in a therapy method called "liberation based healing," which, like many
other forms of Marxism, uses sample bias in the many interrelated liberties in
order to magnify the "critical consciousness" of the participants towards unrest
of the status quo.[17][18][19][20]
There's a definition right there, on Wikipedia, and it happens to go along with GP's argument.
Does that definition feel completely fuzzy, and seem to be no definition at all? I think so to. It hints at certain idea, but otherwise... every political ideology with a name is like it.