Yes. They are monitoring it and reacting appropriately. If it doesn’t work they will pull back and try again.
But their actions are not being dictated by the situation in Italy or France. Likewise, Montana should not take action based on what is going on in New York.
They should definetly take action and comply asap since it puts delicate but biggest democracy is danger. As if they haven't learned anything from the 4 years.
Not strong enough, they don't put their moneyed folks and multinational CEOs as the stakeholder in the state. I'm sure they will be more level headed than some jaded Junkers.
Pretty sure they would understand that it's a waste of wealth and time to cater some commotion in the Balkan.
Why? Cause they told the western states correctly to get their shit together, got ignored for month and then people tried to blame it on a single statement which was redacted two days later to make it seem like the WHO told them to do nothing?
They likely were hoping for that, but I think this decision was tactical based on the frontline degrading over the past couple weeks, not reacting to the election.
They've been prepping defenses on the left bank for most of a month.
its a holding action...not sustainable...hopefully, they'll pull out of this heavy-handed tailspin they've been in the past year...but...this behavior is mostly driven by fear of problems with the wide economic divides and its going to be a long time before things get better on that no telling where this all leads.
Seems like they've decided what to do but can't agree how to do it. I wish them luck figuring it out. To an outsider this whole thing has seemed like a giant folly from the beginning, but what do I know.
But their actions are not being dictated by the situation in Italy or France. Likewise, Montana should not take action based on what is going on in New York.