In the EU
- previous infection and recovery gives you a COVID Pass
- some countries are doing a single shot after infection at most to count you as vaccinated (Spain I believe does this) which is consistent with the data we have
It’s mostly the US that has an insane vacine policy.
Same here. They flat out told us on day 1 if you aren’t going to get the full schedule of vaccines find another doctor. To clarify, they don’t care if you get the flu or Covid shots.
" a consequence of the pandemic, tons of organizations will rely on proof that you’re vaccinated to grant you access. This includes flights, cruises, sporting events and other scenarios where strangers congregate. None of these organizations (or the vaccine passports hoping to serve them) are care providers, so even in states where they operate, they wouldn’t by default be able to access the state IIS [state immunization registries]."
IMHO not sharing my medical records with private companies is a good thing.
Does NYC count as left? I went in after having diarrhea/vomit for 2 days, and all they did was give me a Covid test and send me away. I'm vaccinated. This was months ago, before omicron and the uptick in breakthrough cases. As a vaccinated person I've been tested multiple times when I didn't even have Covid symptoms.
What I've witnessed is the opposite of trying to skip testing vaccinated people to shift numbers. You're just making things up.
90 days is just silly. Also anywhere there's a vaccine mandate, except in parts of Europe, that doesn't count for anything - when a confirmed recovery should be equal to vaccinated status.
>CA will have the strongest state vaccine verification system in the US and will require state employees & healthcare workers to provide proof of vaccination—or get tested regularly.
This is clearly different, as it allows testing your way out of getting vaccinated.
That's the state right now with almost all of the population vaccinated.
I don't think it's for the best, it ignores any other medical conditions and offers no way to double check a result that could come from a dodgy test center.
>The moment hospitals made being vaccinated a requirement for receiving care (which is horrific and would never happen), every single unvaccinated COVID patient would simply lie and say they were vaccinated.
How would this work if by getting vaccinated you get a record of the vaccination? The card everybody receives isn't the only record of vaccination. There's some database (or multiple). Hence why in California specifically you can look up your name and cross-reference it with where you received the vaccination and it'll show you your digital record along with a QR code that links to it.
> There are a number of 'special' vaccination sites in the USA which are indeed vaccinating first come, first served people without going through any special qualifications/eligibility check.
As well as entire states in certain parts of the USA.
For example, Texas, where you only have to be at least 12 years old[0]. In many cities in Texas, they're at more than 50% and running out of arms to stick them in, and definitely very short or no lines. No idea why California has those requirements instead of just opening up more jab spots.
Well, it sounds like they're treating the two states the same, so at least it's consistent.