Given the long and blemished history of failure, grifts and outright lies coming out of the cryptocurrency community, that is a ridiculous position.
Please stop wasting your time trying to defend cryptocurrency. At this point nothing you say will be believe because cryptocurrency bros have a long history of hype that goes nowhere. If you want to show the world that cryptocurrency is useful, go figure out a way to make it useful that doesn't involve breaking laws or wouldn't be better solved by using a DB instead of the block chain.
“You just have to do more research to understand” is the crypto founder’s refuge from all criticism.
You have not demonstrated that your claim is worthy of investigation.
While I am not the most intelligent person you have met, I am a very smart person. Someone who claims that the CAP theorem proves the inevitability of blockchains has understood neither, or is perhaps deliberately using words to bamboozle mildly technical people. But perhaps you are ahead of your time and merely look like a scammer. Nevertheless, if you are unable to explain the idea to others who are not as smart as you, at minimum you are incompetent as a visionary or founder. Educating is your job, not mine.
Cryptocurrencies are built on a deck of lies and scams. You equivocate about 'fiat' or real dollars being 'the same.' They're not. If you support this drivel, you'll only perpetuate and prolong the pain.
Since you quoted the news guidelines at me earlier I suggest you re-skim them yourself, and then re-read your reply.
> When people disagree with something so passionately, it drives other people towards it even more.
I have no problem with that. That's why we have this site, so people can see different viewpoints. They're free to make up their own minds.
> It is tired and I don't mind calling you out on it.
I'm not tired, are you :)
It's been 15 years and no value outcome whatsoever. If the crypto community develops something useful, I'll be the first to jump on it. But for now, I'm sure OP will deliver, I just have to wait.
You're in denial. Get out, quick, you were silly to use a cryptocurrency as a speculative investment in the first place. The tulip bulbs are collapsing, maybe you can actually produce something worthwhile instead of putting all your energy into stressing out about a guessing game.
You can read his comments in a cryptocurrency thread from last week for his specific positions. I did, don't even bother attempting to argue, you aren't going to change his mind.
For real, every time I try to answer my I do crypto, often people just don't understand. They just don't. They just don't understand why I don't trust entities.
If you don't understand this, then you don't understand crypto. Period. There is no other debate necessary. Period. Full stop. We go on our own way.
I'm not a crypto fan at all, but 'Blithering idiot' this, 'Stupid' that, just turns me off the argument, and even reinforces that the naysayers are just as rabid as the 'bros'.
it feels like we're speaking two separate languages, I don't know how to tell you what you want to hear
> the burden of proof is on the cryptocurrency enthusiasts' shoulders
It feels very unfair to walk into a conversation with an internet stranger who believes that. If you feel so strongly, who am I to try to change your mind?
If you have a counterpoint then by all means make an argument for it, but don't post.. this.
It's always disappointing to see what hacker news devolves into whenever cryptocurrencies are discussed. We should try to hold ourselves to a higher standard than this.
This is always how cryptocoin nuts argue.