Wow, yeah, never say that. Even if you believe it's true, saying nothing will change is sort of like waving a red flag in front of the bull. Of course things will change over time, they always do!
That doesn't really assert anything. Many aspects will change dramatically, and often they are aspects that nobody previously imagined possible. The people who believe in change and possibility are the ones who do good things. The question is, what can we change and how much?
When people don't want change, they pull out that parent argument and apply it, through some general claim, and not actually address the issue at hand.
That's wishful thinking. The only way things change is if someone wants them to change and fights for it to happen. That means it's a slow, laborious process for the most part.
I do believe in change too, but what I've seeing in many places are temporary changes to save your job or get a promotion, not a real change, a profound change.
By that logic, who’s to say “things won’t change” again, such that they find there is cause for concern after all?
I’m not saying that’s what I believe, but if you’re admitting that we’re “changing and updating our beliefs as evidence comes in”, that also implies that we didn’t — and may still not — have all the data in front of us to make decisions.