Yes this is the problem! Complains there is no network so voice control doesn’t work even though I never initiated voice control and I don’t allow it on the network. I’ll check firmware version but I updated it relatively recently… though I just had a full screen replacement so maybe that moved my firmware back to whatever the new screen’s is somehow. Thanks!
except the voice recognition part doesn't work. other than that! :)
edit: looks like it just won't communicate with apple's server? (Which I think is the main functionality) it's hard to tell since video doesn't show any voice commands working.
I don't know what happened there, because it should be disabled by default. But if you accidentally enabled it, you can change that in Settings > Accessibility > Voice Control.
Voice is getting better. It's in beta right now. Both parties need to enable it in the settings right now. I tried it recently, and it worked quite well for the most part. They'll presumably iron out the issues before a general release.
A voice command probably (1) requires it to be connected to its hub, (2) which needs internet and be able to reach the voice processing servers of the vendor, (3) which needs to be still in business and running said servers.
The reason for needing to reset are likely to be the first and second requirement, so that wouldn't work. The third requirement just means you need to buy a new light bulb (at least that is the way the market seems to work for this gear).