IMO the problem here is that they've taken a couple of tweets and profile links and ballooned it to a ten paragraph "summary" when a single link to the tweet in question would've served better.
When an article about a tweet doesn't bother to embed the tweet, it's probably a good indication that the article itself doesn't really add anything to the topic. Firsthand accounts from _either_ of the parties here would've been significantly more valuable to us as readers.
I really wish people would stop publishing useful information as tweets. It's like publishing a research addendum on fortune cookie papers. Besides it being hard to read, it's easy to lose.
I don't mind the tweet follow-up articles at all - in fact I'd hope that writers with a platform would use said platform to expound on their twitter musings more often. Twitter is perfect for taking the temperature on an issue.
That said - I felt that this article was a bit of a waste of the initial interest the tweet garnered.
I'm not doubting the main thrust of the article. But it's a big pet peeve of mine when Tweets are used in the body of an article as supporting evidence and they have all of half a dozen likes/retweets. It's as if 3 or 4 people on Twitter mention something and that's collected as hard-cutting facts. /rant
It would be great if the author had just made a blog post and tweeted it. This sort of seems like useful information, which will suck to lose when this tweet inevitably disappears and isn't updated later with new information.
Tweets make excellent momentary entertainment. Let's stop using them for anything else.
This is, from what I understand, intended behavior. The worst is when people link the final tweet in a thread so you just get the last message and see no other context. For me, I don't see the value in people posting twitter links.
Was thinking the same. Once you exceed like 5 tweets in a thread, it becomes a small article and you would've been better off just writing an article in the first place. If you check the thread reader below you can see just how unstructured and incoherent it is compared with a simple article.