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user: ghrifter (* users last updated on 10/04/2024)
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created: 2015-02-12 10:22:56
karma: 146
count: 192
Avg. karma: 0.76
Comment count: 184
Submission count: 8
Submission Points: 44
about: Full Stack Web Dev - 6 years of experience.

skills: C# C++ C Python Javascript SQL HTML(5) CSS(3) Graphics Design Photoshop

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I like to make "prototypes". Projects that show an idea but arent fully implemented or featured.

For example I made a soundboard just today in a few hours. It has a few sound files that play when a user clicks on the image/div and I built some other functions relating to that. The sound boar is a prototype, just needs more fine tuning when I feel like its an idea that should be completed.

What are you passionate about? Is there software relating to that passion that could be improved? If so, there is your idea. Even if it's a derivative idea, it would still be a good learning experience.

Thanks. I keep seeing traveling advice pop up. And Im the position for it so I probably should travel asap

If you have a repeat customer that is nice, but doesn't tip (or tips very poorly, like say 5%) does the staff treat him with less quality?

$650 dollars is about 700 euro? Well now's the time to travel to Europe!

(I suppose there is some sort of tax or import cost...?)

Maybe this is an experiment of low attention span Twitter-like "tweet" article? Seriously at most there was like 3 whole sentences per slide...

I felt like I was reading a highschooler's Power Point...

Exactly my thoughts. He should have linked to another article or some sort of table detailing the water quality.

It would also be interesting to know the air quality in that city as well.

Maybe hes supporting the content creators, by disabling AdBlock while on YouTube?

At least I do anyways...Wish more people would.

> Discrete Maths (Rosen)

This is a required textbook for my Discrete Mathematics course. I also recommend it! Although I wish there was more visuals in the book, it is a great textbook.

> I don't understand why wanting to look good has almost become taboo.

Says who?

Also interested in your hypertrophy training. Any books/reading material you recommend?

>> In his free time, he enjoys running and skateboarding, playing with his cocker, ...

Ermmmmm wouldn't they want to expand that into cocker spaniel...lol.

>> have access to Garrisons, which is a FarmVille-like mechanic which has the easiest financial ROI in the game

This gutted the economy (especially on small-medium servers) and led to me quitting.

Raiding was fun, PvP was alright, but when the economy was mustered into farmville-time gating...I gave my favorite MMO up.

Do you have some links to some of these videos? I'm interested :)

Someone interested would have to scroll a while to see your skills, which are in the footer. Otherwise, seems like you fixed the href mistake in your first paragraph since I looked at this earlier.

Looks goood so far - I just think you can seperate some stuff out into sub pages or something.


"Home" page Projects/Portfolio Bio


Yeah take a gander at some of the bigger 100k+ subscriber reddit comments...low effort comments with grammar or spelling mistakes.

For instance, /r/games used to be super awesome with great comments and discussion. Since it got bigger over the past few years posts are lackluster, comments are nonsensical, and so on...gah now I'm ranting

That's a perfect screen size - anything from 13" to 15.6" is fine with me.

I'll take a look at Dell. I've seen a lot of Lenovo recommendations for what I'm looking for but after Superfish, I'm not keen on a Lenovo.

I definitely expected an article about Acid and the other research chemicals commonly masqueraded as "acid", when in fact they are dangerous research chemicals or hints of all sorts of drugs mixed together.

How about a pen?

A pen is tangible and has properties.

    pen.brand = 'bic';
    pen.inkColor = 'black';

A coworker I know is attending such an online-degree like mill. He is graduating this fall with a Comp Sci degree and a Web Design? degree.

He names his variables atrociously(MethodName(id) instead of something more descriptive like MethodName(organizationID), doesn't know what an enum is, and so much more.

Gah rant. I wish online-degree mills were regulated well.

Probably investing some money into Hillary so that Trump doesn't become president...

I used Google Drive/Docs yesterday to do some homework filesharing/editing.

Also just tried to get into Drive and Docs and was able to just fine.

I live in US - so maybe a location-based issue?

I do. Beside my reddit account and my online gaming community I contribute to, I have no time for Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

But I guess reddit is the superior alternative (at least for me). I find that the Facebook posts and Instragram stuff is always full of people trying to show off their lives all the time.

I still can't believe you have to hack a

   margin: 0 auto;
to center stuff still...

Unless there's a new html element or css trick I'm unaware of? (like the `<center>` of old)?

As a junior CS student - I haven't heard about these before... Kind of scared - Should I know about these kind of advanced things before I get out of school? I'm not attending a particularly 'rigorous' university for CS

I've already worked 2 years as a intern for a tech company (full stack programming, webmaster duties, etc), so I feel like I'm in a good place. I just want to get a good tech job in the Northwest US and as far as I understand it is competitive

Edit: Thanks for the response - I'm enjoying learning about data structures and advanced things with data structs

> .. “dark gray” was lighter than “gray” ...

And still is!

   <div style="height:400px; background-color:gray;"></div>

    <div style="height:400px; background-color:darkgray;"></div>

So in other words they want that mystical 10x engineer

Looking into Craig's remaning James Bond contracts says about 2 more films after Spectre (releasing this November)[0]. Sure would be cool to have Idris as James Bond, he is an amazing actor.

0 - https://www.quora.com/How-many-more-Bond-movies-do-you-think...

Yes - but wouldnt this be on username.github.io?

I am a programmer - junior as CS in college - I know html and css very well due to my job (in additon to C# and other knowledge) - but I have little to no idea on how to create my own "website"

Front end devs or some graphic designer.

Its good for marketing a product as long as its kept to like under 5 items.

For showing data/information, it is a terrible way to do it. I dont want to read a powerpoint presentation.

I second this - would be awesome. Some of the larger threads are taxing/hard to navigate without a collapse/fold function

For hosting an MVC 5 app is Azure the way to go?

Huh, didn't know you can iframe a whole web page...

At first I thought this page just ripped all the Wikipedia stylesheets and html but its just all one big iframe.

Thanks. I should have put in OP that some of these method bodies are dozens of lines (sometimes approaching 100+).

Some of these variables are used quite often.

IE 11 and Edge are great.

It's still fun to hear the circlejerk from "tech" friends/people about how IE is slow, bad, etc compared to Chrome or Firefox.

Yeah, back in the day it was, but in the past few years IE has been great.

Web _advertisement_ developers did.

Also, to get money back for hosting content, ads was pretty much the only way, as a lot of people rather not pay a sub fee.

Patreon or similar options are the best I think.

>> drivers because the developers don't care

Yeah because developers have unlimited access to all sorts of GPU/CPU combos that the customers have...

I guess "tone deaf" is when someone doesn't understand what your tone of voice is and what that tone implies. Like if you say something sarcastic, your voice tone and body language conveys it.

The hardest is gathering requirements...

Maybe take a look at a college's Computer Science degree requirements and look into topics that interest you:


Wikipedia is pretty decent in most topics.

Also, I've found that GeeksForGeeks is pretty neat too: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/

So am I overachieving by trying to learn React+Flux and Angular.js + typescript and also trying to learn ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 while working my internship?

Maybe I should just make HTML 5 games instead...

Yes in US snapchat is huge. Especially among college students and highschoolers.

Awesome site! I like the Clint Eastwood "Color Picker" :)

Pretty nice! Visited on mobile iphone 6 and didnt see any issues on my device. Ill book mark and check out some other templates.

This describes me. I get mundane work that is way below my level, and the few times I get to actually code or program something it is for a small feature.

Cant wait for a few more months when I get some more financial independence to move somewhere else. I hate the city and state I live in.

The Notes update looks great! I use Notes for shopping lists and also to store passwords/personal info - so the TouchID security feature is nice.

Another native iOS app I use a lot is Reminders - great for appointments and todo reminders (like calling someone back). It would be great to see if that got a bit of an upgrade.

>> the fact that hidden extensions are still the default on Windows OS is absurd

Is this the case for Apple's OS well (Yosemite or whatever its called nowadays)?

Just as an FYI looks like something is messed up with your directed quotes with your font like so:


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