Wow, yeah, never say that. Even if you believe it's true, saying nothing will change is sort of like waving a red flag in front of the bull. Of course things will change over time, they always do!
That's wishful thinking. The only way things change is if someone wants them to change and fights for it to happen. That means it's a slow, laborious process for the most part.
One can argue that things stay the same until someone (and by this I don't mean a single person) tries hard enough to change them - e.g. now there are dating apps where men simply can't start the conversation. Accepting the status quo as the law of nature certainly won't change anything.
There is no guarantee after a few months this wouldn't go back to the way it was. Too often people think the change will affect permanent behaviour, when change itself affects behaviour.
>With that attitude nothing would ever change unless there is immediate visible change from a very small group of people making said change.
It's more the opposite: unless there is immediate visible change from a very small group of people making said change, nothing will change in the end.
Which is precisely where all the "personal responsibility", "do it and others will follow" wishful thinking mottos have gotten us thus far: nothing ever changed.